Boryspil International Airport (KBP)

Information about airport - Boryspil International Airport, Ukraine

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code UKBB
Longitude 50.3450012207031
Latitude 30.8946990966797

Cities near Boryspil International Airport, Ukraine

City, country Distance (km)
Kiev (Kyyiv) 26.29 km

Pictures near Boryspil International Airport, Ukraine

Colors of the Autumn Autumn colours Boryspil airport Borispol Airstrip MD-80's (UM Air and others) placement in KBP
Sunrise "Золота дорога". Boryspil' airport after takeoff Бориспіль Аеропрот Стадион Колос
An-24RV UR-CDS Церковь В дороге. In the road. After Takeoff from KBP Northbound Rural roads. Revne. Ukraine.
Позолочена берізка. Св. Николая церковь Колодязь с Капличкою при виїзді на Дударків Там далі Проців або Вороньків. Остання зелень осені.

Pictures of Boryspil International Airport
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Ukraine, Kiev (Kyyiv)