Khorog Airport

Information about airport - Khorog Airport, Tajikistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code UTOD
Longitude 37.502222
Latitude 71.513333

Pictures near Khorog Airport, Tajikistan

ботанический сад в Хороге On road Ishkashim - Khorog Afghanistan from across the river Khichikh peak, 4493
Ishkashim range and Afghan Badahshan near Khorog, at 4200 altitude Khorog at the morning Шахдара - Царская долина Botanical garden at sunset Вид на Шугнанский хребет
 Шахдаринские бусины Bridge over Contributary to Gunt River Botanical Gardens Signboard Small village of Pamirs biologic institute Ishkashim range and snow shelf near peak Khichikh, 4493
Small stony shrine below Khichikh paek Poplars at the edge of Pamirs botanical garden From Khorog to Roshtgala   

Pictures of Khorog Airport
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Tajikistan, Dushanbe