Sundsvall-Härnösand Airport (SDL)

Information about airport - Sundsvall-Härnösand Airport, Sweden

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ESNN
Longitude 62.5280990600586
Latitude 17.4438991546631

Cities near Sundsvall-Härnösand Airport, Sweden

City, country Distance (km)
Sundsvall 16.49 km

Pictures near Sundsvall-Härnösand Airport, Sweden

Running horses Fall at the river of Indalsälven 2 A house filled with memories The sun soon rises at Fagervik Sunrise at Indalsälven river
The moon along the road The old Iron Works at Lögdö Frosty tree Nice camping site Blue morning
Y (Sweden) bergeforsen rzeka 1 Nya birsta Blå höstmorgon Alnö
Alnö bridge Naturreservatet i Stornäset Söråker(kanske Strand) Mjällån Bölevägen/Berglundavägen Sörberge

Pictures of Sundsvall-Härnösand Airport
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Sweden, Stockholm