Bunge Private Airport

Information about airport - Bunge Private Airport, Sweden

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ESVB
Longitude 57.8497009277344
Latitude 19.0349998474121

Pictures near Bunge Private Airport, Sweden

Gotland-Fårö; Hole in a limestone rock Fårösundsgubbe  - vakt vid Norra gattet Raukfält vid Lergrav Destination Furillen
On approach to Fårö Stra; limestone works Furillen Lambgift Picture stone from the Viking age. Bunge open air museum, northern Gotland. June 2009.
Old tower ruin or windmill, Fårö Sweden: Gotland, Bungenäs Raukar i Malms-Kyllaj på Gotland Sweden; Gotland, Furillen
Coastal artillery museum Nice picnic place on the Island Gotland В проливе Форё В проливе Форё Stenmur vid Dämpa

Pictures of Bunge Private Airport
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Sweden, Stockholm