Kosti Airport (KST)

Information about airport - Kosti Airport, Sudan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code HSKI
Longitude 13.1829996109009
Latitude 32.7330017089844

Pictures near Kosti Airport, Sudan

At Kosti Resturant - near enterance gate Rabak - Ponte sul Nilo Bianco (1983) Kosti main Mosque - Kosti City View of Kosti Harber at River White-Nile white Nile
white nile kolej w sudanie sudanese red cresent society NİL YERLEŞİM YERİ
in rabak ربك .. شارع الخرطوم شمالك مسجد التقوي شارع الاندلس حوض الارز
مراعي للابقار مجمع الشيخ محمد ابراهيم الخوجلابي الثاني بربك Church in Kosti Fuel Station - Kosti City دوم مثمر

Pictures of Kosti Airport
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Sudan, Khartoum