Auki Airport (AKS)

Information about airport - Auki Airport, Solomon Islands

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code AGGA
Longitude -8.70256996155
Latitude 160.682006836

Pictures near Auki Airport, Solomon Islands

Plerogyra discus.  Solomon Islands.  A large polyp making a home for a shrimp.  Photograph: Jim Maragos. The Tropical Jungles are full of beautiful surprises: Auluta Falls Langa Langa from Busurata Road Riverside Home (traditional), Auki, Solomon Islands Lake Osi, Malaita
Climbing For Coconut Solomon Islands Gwaunaruu Airport, Malaita Kilu'ufi Referral Hospital Buma village youth centre
Bio river waterfall Sink Hole Riverside Home (contemporary), Auki, Solomon Islands Auki Waterfront, Malaita, Solomon Islands 	Auki Harbour, Solomon Islands
Beach near Auki St Paul's Church of Melanesia, Auki, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands Malaita + Clouds Auki market Auki harbour

Pictures of Auki Airport