Saratov Central Airport (RTW)

Information about airport - Saratov Central Airport, Russia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code UWSS
Longitude 51.564998626709
Latitude 46.0466995239258

Cities near Saratov Central Airport, Russia

City, country Distance (km)
Saratov 3.77 km

Pictures near Saratov Central Airport, Russia

Sunrise light and shadows Memories: September 2010, peace of nature in the city Viktory park, winter The house at the river Heaven
Under the clouds Memories: winter 2010 Memories: city beach in september, sunset "Занзибар" Saratow
Зачем вы ботик потопили, гады? Старая часть города Энгельса. Перекресток улиц Степной и Революции 1905 года. Memories: summer 2012, evening road to the home The monument stands on a high mountain. "Сазанка бич" 1989
Old Saratov in winter Technical Glass Plant. Saratov 1967. Foto T. Backman Oil pump Volga riv. Saratov 1967. Foto T. Backman 039

Pictures of Saratov Central Airport
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Russia, Moscow