Satu Mare Airport (SUJ)

Information about airport - Satu Mare Airport, Romania

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LRSM
Longitude 47.7033004760742
Latitude 22.8857002258301

Cities near Satu Mare Airport, Romania

City, country Distance (km)
Baia Mare 48.26 km

Pictures near Satu Mare Airport, Romania

Golescu hid Langolo felhok-Flaming clouds A Szamos osszel Tűzoltótorony / Firemen's Tower Januar
Hajléktalanok reggele / Morning of the homeless Gémes Winterscape in the mirror natura Ruins from Ardud
Naplemente Silence of the river Gara de sud ( ferestrău - gőzfürész  ) landscape near my city Szamospart
Szatmárnémeti Oteloaia TURN ERDŐD/ERDÉLY/ at sunset with the moon behind

Pictures of Satu Mare Airport
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Romania, Bucharest