Góraszka Airport

Information about airport - Góraszka Airport, Poland

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EPGO
Longitude 52.184440612793
Latitude 21.2811107635498

Cities near Góraszka Airport, Poland

City, country Distance (km)
Warsaw 19.09 km

Pictures near Góraszka Airport, Poland

Wisła MY CONTEST NOVEMBER 2010 - Light in the forest MY CONTEST JANUARY 2011 - Noc Sylwestrowa - Night of Sylwester Kabaty MY CONTEST OCTOBER 2010 - Jesienne promienie o poranku - Sunbeams of Autumn
Rzeka Świder Świder latem Rzeka Świder Rzeka Mienia Nadwiślańskie Łąki
*MY CONTEST APRIL 2011* - XX - SUNRISE Las o świcie - MY CONTEST APRIL 2010 - Mazowiecki Park Krajobrazowy - Na grzybach Otwock - ruiny starej willi Remains of The Old Jewish Cemetery near Otwock
SUNRISE - Flood - Wielka woda na Wiśle - May 2010 - Poland - MY CONTEST MAY 2010 **MY CONTEST NOVEMBER 2011** - Sunbeams in the forest - Promienie w lesie MY CONTEST MARCH 2010 - Światło w lesie - The light on the morning in the forest, Warsaw, Poland Last night bus -  Ostatni nocny autobus - sunrise

Pictures of Góraszka Airport
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Poland, Warsaw