Castillejos Airport

Information about airport - Castillejos Airport, Philippines

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code RPUJ
Longitude 14.9670000076294
Latitude 120.150001525879

Cities near Castillejos Airport, Philippines

City, country Distance (km)
Caloocan 97.59 km
Manila 99.11 km

Pictures near Castillejos Airport, Philippines

Raincloths for goat in Castillejos cove Santo Tomas River Road to San Antonio San Felipe creek - by AD6E
Rice field - San Narciso  by AD6E San Antonio, Zambales (1) anawangin cove Boring dog alone on the road anawangin cove
San Antonio to San Narciso Street back to San Antonio Road to Pundaquit (2) River before San Narciso
San Marcelino-to-San Antonio Ballgame on and in the Road Hospital San Marcelino House and Dog in San Marcelino Shortly bevor the market

Pictures of Castillejos Airport
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