Peleliu Airport

Information about airport - Peleliu Airport, Palau

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code C23
GPS airport code C23
Longitude 7
Latitude 134.233001708984

Cities near Peleliu Airport, Palau

City, country Distance (km)
Koror 47.28 km

Pictures near Peleliu Airport, Palau

Palau,Carp Island sunset in Carp island Palau ペリリュー島 スイミングホール ペリリュー島 米海軍第1艦隊上陸記念碑 southern rock islands
stunning underwater life in the water between carp island and german channel ペリリュー島 ペリリュー島 Purple Beach, Peleliu Island, Palau, Micronesia Small beach on Carp Island, Palau
Channel marker Japanese Bunker (now museum) Ngesebus Island, just North of Peleliu Orange Beach lagoon side
stunning lagoon カープアイランド near blue hole near german channel Blue marine star in the water near carp island

Pictures of Peleliu Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Palau, Koror