Bringeland Airport (FDE)

Information about airport - Bringeland Airport, Norway

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ENBL
Longitude 61.3911018371582
Latitude 5.75693988800049

Cities near Bringeland Airport, Norway

City, country Distance (km)
Flam 95.08 km

Pictures near Bringeland Airport, Norway

Reflections - The pure beauty(Sogn og fiord in Norway) Ka/ Fahrt Forde-Bergen Case con tetto di terra gdzies na szczycie Norwegian Lake
Norvégia Førde ( 20 mai 2011 ) Sognefjorden 2007 6 Sognefjorden 2007 5 Sognefjorden 2007 4
ANDANDO DA ALESUND A BERGEN Loen to Bergen: Going on to Lavik on E39 to board the Lavik-to-Oppendal ferry - this is the only rainy day on the entire trip Nordlys
LS 2008 Kvamshesten (for mykje zoom) River Gaula 11.12.2007 Septembersol på Årberg

Pictures of Bringeland Airport
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Norway, Oslo