Andøya Airport (ANX)

Information about airport - Andøya Airport, Norway

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ENAN
Longitude 69.2925033569336
Latitude 16.1441993713379

Pictures near Andøya Airport, Norway

Andenes harbour Pottwal Veien til Andenes Pottwal
Andenes, Senja Island in the background Midnight Sun at Andenes Norway - Nordland - Vesteralen Islands - The white beaches in Andeness richtigen Moment... Lofoten Whale watching 2007
BK_Norway_004 Andenes Strand Andoy, Noruega Orkas in ihrem Element.. Vesteralen 01 - Oies Sauvages
Andenes 22. VIII. 2007 S 1959 Andenes _14 ISOLE VESTERALEN Andenes Orion and  F16. 180 grader Andenes

Pictures of Andøya Airport
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Norway, Oslo