Limestone Downs Airport

Information about airport - Limestone Downs Airport, New Zealand

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code NZLD
Longitude -37.4799995422363
Latitude 174.744995117188

Cities near Limestone Downs Airport, New Zealand

City, country Distance (km)
Auckland 66.57 km

Pictures near Limestone Downs Airport, New Zealand

Wobbly sand dune... Stump... Sunset at Sunset Beach... Nikau for more Curved rocks...
Pedestrian crossing... Lost tyre... Port Waikato-Waikaretu Rd... Hairpin Bend... Port Waikato
Between these natural rugby poles, one can see the mushroom-shaped hill which became the great watchtower of Amon Sûl Coast - North Island, New Zealand. Windmill Rocks at Port Waikato
Windmill? Fenceline near Nikau Cave & Cafe Suset beach Port Waikato

Pictures of Limestone Downs Airport