Meghauli Airport (MEY)

Information about airport - Meghauli Airport, Nepal

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VNMG
Longitude 27.5774
Latitude 84.22875

Pictures near Meghauli Airport, Nepal

ON SAFARI  IN CHITWAN NEPAL    o=k Chitawan 2 Chitawan 1  NEPAL EARLY MORNING grazing  o=k
jungle rhino nepal  o=k mud houses Urwaldtaxi (print scan) Termites in Chitwan National park Chitwan
Farm at Terai, Nepal river dug out Katmandu o=k NEPALESE TRANSPORTER/ CARONTE NEPALESE?! airport lounge Meghauli     Nepal o=k stables Tiger Tops Nepal    o=k
Rapti Bridge - Chitwan チトワン国立公園の観光用のゾウ乗り場 チトワン国立公園の南の村の水牛車でわたる in deep jungle rhinos Nepal  o=k Traffic on the road - Village Tharu

Pictures of Meghauli Airport
Book hotel

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Nepal, Kathmandu