Niafunke Airport

Information about airport - Niafunke Airport, Mali

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code GANF
Longitude 15.9329996109009
Latitude -4.01700019836426

Pictures near Niafunke Airport, Mali

Main Street, Niafounke Grazing on River Niger Fishing on River Niger Pirogenfahrt auf dem Niger Repostar en Niafunke
niafounké Mali River traffic on the Niger, Mali River traffic on the Niger, Mali On the river Niger. Mali Waki
Early morning fishing preparations on the river Niger Washing on River Niger Niger River Niafunke in barca sul Niger
Niger - river bank / Niafunke Camels in Niafunké, Mali Huge fishing nets on the bank of the river Niger   

Pictures of Niafunke Airport
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Mali, Bamako