Kerteh Airport (KTE)

Information about airport - Kerteh Airport, Malaysia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code WMKE
Longitude 4.5372200012207
Latitude 103.427001953125

Pictures near Kerteh Airport, Malaysia

GAS Malaysia: Terengganu Gas Petronas Swimming Pool at Residence Resort Paka Малайзия, Провинция Тренггану, апр 2011 / Malaysia, Trangganu province, apr 2011
Bandar Seri Kerteh rumah aku Balai JKKK  YTL Power Station Paka/Sultan Ismail Power Station,Paka / Stesen Janakuasa TNB Sultan Ismail, Paka Kerteh
Kerteh Airport, Malaysia. Kerteh, Malaysia Jerangkung River Batu Putih - zz Welcome To Pengkalan Ranggon - zz
Road Underneath - ZZ The Structure - zz Road Close to Airport - zz Pantai Rantau Petronas Kemasik E8-ECE @ LPT

Pictures of Kerteh Airport