Mananara Nord Airport (WMR)

Information about airport - Mananara Nord Airport, Madagascar

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code FMNC
Longitude -16.1639003753662
Latitude 49.7737998962402

Pictures near Mananara Nord Airport, Madagascar

RN 5. Splendid simplicity Mananara the last shipyard RN 5. Direction Maroansetra R N 5 R N 5: The worst road in Madagascar north of Ivontaka
RN 5. The beach seen from the road RN 5. Harvest drying on carpets RN 5. RN 5. Fontsimaro
RN 5. Mananara river The Aye-ayes favorite food R N 5. Yes, this is  National Road number 5 Acropora ocellata.  Madagascar.  Branch detail.  Photograph: Charlie Veron.
punta de Mananara walking towards Maronsetra 2 Mananara Mananara beach. If an artist would paint such sky, nobody would believe that it really exists

Pictures of Mananara Nord Airport