Mahanoro Airport (VVB)

Information about airport - Mahanoro Airport, Madagascar

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code FMMH
Longitude -19.8330001831055
Latitude 48.7999992370605

Pictures near Mahanoro Airport, Madagascar

I'm the greatest ! Ravenala tree Vegetables The invasion of water hyacinths is starting again
Petit pont à Ampitahihosy Pirogues au bord du lac - N11 au nord de Mahanoro Mahanoro Shore Line from a distance
Sunset_pangalana_Antandroho Windblown twins The devil in disguise? This is such a beautiful entirely natural garden Further in the village
 Here I came on land  two days ago Nice spot Avec un ciel si bas... as in Jacques Brel's Le Plat Pays Pirogue at rest I'll try this path on the left

Pictures of Mahanoro Airport