Hatzerim Northwest Airport

Information about airport - Hatzerim Northwest Airport, Israel

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code LL1A
GPS airport code
Longitude 31.2607002258301
Latitude 34.6403999328613

Cities near Hatzerim Northwest Airport, Israel

City, country Distance (km)
Ashkelon 46.77 km
Jerusalem 78.94 km

Pictures near Hatzerim Northwest Airport, Israel

Overview on the Israeli Air Force Museum Kibbutz Hatserim, Derech HaPasalim, Israel Ofakim, Nahal Ofkim, British railway bridge to Rafah, Israel Apache Ofaqim
Dyunes near Lehavim Ofaqim Millions of snails T-54 in Ofaqim Be'er Sheba stream
Green Negev! Ofakim structure Near Be'er Sheba stream Ostrich farm The Negev
Spring views near Hatzerim Be'er Sheba stream Be'er Sheba stream Negev Sunset, Ashalim Kibbutz Tse'elom area, sheep in the pasture, Israel

Pictures of Hatzerim Northwest Airport
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Israel, Jerusalem