Qayyarah West Airport (RQW)

Information about airport - Qayyarah West Airport, Iraq

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ORQW
Longitude 35.76720047
Latitude 43.1250991821

Pictures near Qayyarah West Airport, Iraq

The old entrance.  We were the first American unit (1-101 AVN) to step foot on this old Iraqi Air Force base.  Qayyarah West, 2003 طريق الموصل The Delta Company Ghetto.  My home for 9 months.  Qayyarah West, 2003 Sky over Qwest
QWest from the southwest Dust Storm -QWest The old skeleton hangars, before they were torn down.  Qayyarah West, 2003 MiG old Electric high-voltage lines - Sundown خطوط التوتر العالي الكهربائية - وقت الغروب

Pictures of Qayyarah West Airport
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Iraq, Baghdad