Qasr Tall Mihl Airport

Information about airport - Qasr Tall Mihl Airport, Iraq

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 33.3064117431641
Latitude 44.2419548034668

Cities near Qasr Tall Mihl Airport, Iraq

City, country Distance (km)
Baghdad 14.09 km

Pictures near Qasr Tall Mihl Airport, Iraq

Saddam's castle Baghdad Burger King (2004) ztr34 baghdad over view ztr207 جامع ام القرى Baghdad Airport Road (Route Irish) II
ztr237 ساحة عباس ابن فرناس الزحمة في شارع 14 رمضان المنصور ليلا   19/11/2010  Al-Mansour Street at night  By FO Baghdad Airport Passenger Terminal Sign (2004) Ankunft Baghdad 1977 انتخابات در بغداد
المطبخ التركي    20/11/2010  By FO Baghdad 005 Baghdad 013 Baghdad 001 Baghdad 016
Bat Tower S. Victory جامع أم الطبول Falcon Palace entrance Arial view of Baghdad city whaile taking off from Baghdad Airport

Pictures of Qasr Tall Mihl Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Iraq, Baghdad