Habbaniyah Airport

Information about airport - Habbaniyah Airport, Iraq

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 33.3742256164551
Latitude 43.564395904541

Cities near Habbaniyah Airport, Iraq

City, country Distance (km)
Baghdad 77.32 km

Pictures near Habbaniyah Airport, Iraq

IL-28s جسر الصقلاوية العائم- عدسة د.صادق عليوي Assyrian Tomb Stones Holiday resort of Habbania  lake 1980 ذراع دجلة
Theater.00 Dry mud made wet Habbaniya secondary school for boys Saqlaweia Lake Habbinayah
sh.mahmood19@yahoo Destroyed shrine Mansion Euphrates river دار خلدون العفات
Frost crunching under foot Air tower On the way back to Baghdad...at sun rise! Hotel California TQ The Beachhouse

Pictures of Habbaniyah Airport
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Iraq, Baghdad