Khark Island Airport (KHK)

Information about airport - Khark Island Airport, Iran

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code OIBQ
Longitude 29.2602996826172
Latitude 50.3238983154297

Pictures near Khark Island Airport, Iran

Burned Tanker,Kharg Island-2005,Persian Gulf Terminal de Kharg Island - terminal de petróleo atingido durante guerra do golfo SUNRISE IN PERSIAN GULF(khark) Persian Gulf on tank غروب - sunset
ذخترانی با موهای آتش‌گرفته Palm Oil Export Pipeline to the Eastern Pier of Khark Island اسکله‌ي آذرپاد معروف به سي‌ايلند - SEA-ISLAND(AZARPAD) TERMINAL
iran _ kharg tankers khark streets gasoil flame tanker ships
khark sea airport runway captain khalaf captain khalaf

Pictures of Khark Island Airport
Book hotel

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Iran, Tehran