Gewayentana Airport (LKA)

Information about airport - Gewayentana Airport, Indonesia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code WRKL
Longitude -8.34665966033936
Latitude 122.981002807617

Pictures near Gewayentana Airport, Indonesia

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Sunrise @ Waibalun-Flores Sunset @Larantuka, Flores Volcanoes of East Nusa Tenggar, Indonesia Mangrove Tree, @Flores-Indonesia Larantuka, East Flores, NTT, Indonesia
Sunset...... view from Weri Beach, Larantuka, Flores - Indonesia Pagi yg menyegarkan Sunrise, view from Weri, Larantuka, Flores island, Indonesia Beautifullness of Adonara Tugu Reinha Rosario
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Pictures of Gewayentana Airport
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Indonesia, Jakarta