Shillong Airport (SHL)

Information about airport - Shillong Airport, India

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VEBI
Longitude 25.7035999298096
Latitude 91.9786987304688

Pictures near Shillong Airport, India

valley of clouds,umium lake heaven Barapani Heavy rain clouds over Shillong airport
Umiam Lake On way to Shillong On way to Shillong Umsning
Barapani Lake,Meghalaya St.Francis Assisi School Shillong Bypass (Umiam to Mawryngkneng road) Save the Environment
umium lake Barapani heaven Master of my SHOT,' Umium lake, Badapani Lake, Meghalaya

Pictures of Shillong Airport
Book hotel

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India, New Delhi