Jodhpur Airport (JDH)

Information about airport - Jodhpur Airport, India

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VIJO
Longitude 26.2511005401611
Latitude 73.0488967895508

Cities near Jodhpur Airport, India

City, country Distance (km)
Jodhpur 4.01 km

Pictures near Jodhpur Airport, India

People from India Jodhpur Golden Stone Place (Umaid Bhavan Place) Golden Stone Place Inde, dans la circulation les Bus et les Camions TATA, c'est la marque nationale de l'Inde en Jodhpur
Jodhpur's famed Mehrangarh Fortress 083-Samode Palace. Rājasthān. India (circa 1985) Jodhpur Palace, museum is ok, but they won't let you see the hotel India observatorio Jantar Mantar
taj hari mahal On National Highway 114. TAILOR BIRD'S NEST Umbrella? Jodhpur. Umaid Bhawan Palace. This is sadly a view that only the rich and privileged can see nowadays. There was a time when anyone could sit, drinking tea and admire the view of the gardens below the terrace.
JODHPUR Jodhpur Fort P1052075 ''பகத் மாளிகை''  Bhagat ki Kothi 10.35.27 En la ruta a Jodhpur En la ruta a Jodhpur

Pictures of Jodhpur Airport
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India, New Delhi