Allahabad Airport (IXD)

Information about airport - Allahabad Airport, India

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VIAL
Longitude 25.4400997161865
Latitude 81.7339019775391

Pictures near Allahabad Airport, India

Khusuru Baag Nakhas Kona Allahabad Road works near Allahabad During the stop the day begins already. Majestic Allahabad High Court_Standing Tall_060709 Vishwakarma's Hut
Residence of CATC Colony  อินเดียสองข้างทาง Allahabad Kosambi on the way บนเส้นทางสู่ โกสัมพี Kosambi on the way บนเส้นทางสู่ โกสัมพี VIEW
sun set at ALLAHABAD during chath puja ANUPAM JHA JPC Nasheman HIG ADA Colony, Alld. Rajesh Tripathi's house
chail The Yamuna River & Pradeep Left Gate of PCDA(P), Allahabad Bhole baba mandir India

Pictures of Allahabad Airport
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India, New Delhi