Alderney Airport (ACI)

Information about airport - Alderney Airport, Guernsey

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGJA
Longitude 49.7061004638672
Latitude -2.21472001075745

Cities near Alderney Airport, Guernsey

City, country Distance (km)
Saint Peter Port 36.04 km
Saint Helier 58.85 km

Pictures near Alderney Airport, Guernsey

Sea bird reserve near the Isle of Alderney (Channel Islands) nicknamed Shit Rock Longis Beach Alderney Breakwater Alderney Corblets Bay from the Air
Le Phare Braye Bay with the tide out Stormy Fort Clonque The Breakwater Alderney - Airport and St. Anne
Alderney - Airport Alderney airport - EGJA Coach - Alderney Off Shore Rocks Burhou fishing boat, Alderney
Coming in to Land at Alderney Sunset at Platte Saline bay Alderney High Street Alderney - View of Cap La Hague The Breakwater, looking back to Braye

Pictures of Alderney Airport