Kiel-Holtenau Airport (KEL)

Information about airport - Kiel-Holtenau Airport, Germany

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EDHK
Longitude 54.3794441223145
Latitude 10.1452779769897

Cities near Kiel-Holtenau Airport, Germany

City, country Distance (km)
Kiel 6.38 km
Hamburg 92.5 km

Pictures near Kiel-Holtenau Airport, Germany

Light Road - Kiel Laboe Zeitgeist: Green Power and a red sunset Kirche - Kiel Das Sonnenlicht bringt den Raureif zum Glitzern - 1978
Holsatiamühle 4/4 - Im Gegenlicht - 1981 Sonnenuntergang vor dem Sturm / Sunset before the storm - 1982 Mönckeberg in Autumn Segelschulschiff Gorch Fock bei Regen in Kiel - wenige Tage vor dem Auslaufen zur großen Reise Deich in Surendorf
Baltic Bay [2008/05] Landscape near Brodersdorf, Kiel, Germany A small yacht overview Schwartenbeker Weg Schleswig-Holstein Architecture
Rathmannsdorf Lock at the old Eider Canal Near Dorf Pries Highway to the Spring Klosterweg [2009/04] Schwentine

Pictures of Kiel-Holtenau Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Germany, Berlin