Ingolstadt Manching Airport (IGS)

Information about airport - Ingolstadt Manching Airport, Germany

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ETSI
Longitude 48.7156982421875
Latitude 11.5340003967285

Cities near Ingolstadt Manching Airport, Germany

City, country Distance (km)
Augsburg 61.11 km
Munich 64.24 km
Nuremberg 87.79 km

Pictures near Ingolstadt Manching Airport, Germany

The shopping rallye is over, Ingolstadt Village 194 120 im BW Ingolstadt (1984) (pb) Stadttor in Vohburg Oberhaunstadt - Kastaniengarten View from  Amberger Gast.-Kosching
Geisenfeld Kirche von Theißing Manching Kelten-Römer-Museum Bayern Etap Hotel - Lenting
I.-Schillerbrücke an der Donau Oberstimm St. Bartholomäus Architektur der früheren Zeit Manching Keltenwall Schwäne am Auwaldsee
Freinhausen St. Sebastian Blick auf Puch Pension Feldschlössl Unsernherrn St. Salvator Behälter der Esso-Raffinerie

Pictures of Ingolstadt Manching Airport
Book hotel

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Germany, Berlin