Geilenkirchen Airport (GKE)

Information about airport - Geilenkirchen Airport, Germany

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ETNG
Longitude 50.9608001708984
Latitude 6.04241991043091

Cities near Geilenkirchen Airport, Germany

City, country Distance (km)
Aachen 20.82 km
Maastricht 26.65 km
Monchengladbach 37.71 km
Duesseldorf 59.29 km
Malmedy 59.54 km
Cologne 64.49 km
Eindhoven 67.26 km
Bonn 78.41 km
Wuppertal 83.98 km
Essen 87.42 km
Gelsenkirchen 95.44 km
Tilburg 95.82 km
Hertogenbosch 96.27 km
Nijmegen 97.7 km
Namur 99.89 km

Pictures near Geilenkirchen Airport, Germany

Mondo Verde NED Heerlen Putgraaf {in the rain} Panorama by KWOT Hot Air winternight Panoramio Sunset
Vieuw to Heerlen City(from Kunderberg) Whip lash---(enlarge)--- roode beek/red brook Touchdown field Rimburg, nog net Nederland
Lange Jan,chimny former mine Benediction Das alte Amtsgerichtsgebäude von Heinsberg 360° Panorama - 25 Jahre Nato Airbase Geilenkirchen War cut
25 Jahre Nato Airbase Geilenkirchen Grasveld Boerenerf aan de Frankenstrasse Autum Moon/Landgraaf 2004 White water (Worm)

Pictures of Geilenkirchen Airport
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Germany, Berlin