Colmar-Houssen Airport (CMR)

Information about airport - Colmar-Houssen Airport, France

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LFGA
Longitude 48.1099014282227
Latitude 7.35901021957397

Cities near Colmar-Houssen Airport, France

City, country Distance (km)
Strasbourg 59.7 km
Basel 63.72 km

Pictures near Colmar-Houssen Airport, France

Ribeauvillé of the alsatian Wine Route, view from Château de Saint-Ulrich, in the foreground Château du Girsberg ¦ by pilago Familienglück BERGHEIM - Alsace - France  - LA ROUTE DES VINS-- (by FranciscoGC) Kloster Dusenbach (Monastery Dusenbach) Vineyard near by Ribeauvillé, May 2005
Gold wine in Ribeauvillé, Alsace, France Bergheim mit Hochkönigsburg Champ de blé in the morning dp NG462 Ribeauvillé, Alsace
In  the Vineyards Alsace Château du Girsberg GARE DE RIBEAUVILLE N&B Inverno Alsacia França July Route de Colmar  - Alsace Magic Elsaß Photography 2012
Guémar Blick auf Burg St. Ulrich Mémorial Char M10, 1ère Armée Française (Poche de Colmar, janvier 1945) ElsassNord-Panorama-klein Erable sycomore géant dans la Forêt de Ribeauvillé

Pictures of Colmar-Houssen Airport
Book hotel

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France, Paris