Kaibu Island Airport

Information about airport - Kaibu Island Airport, Fiji

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code NFKB
Longitude -17.2541999816895
Latitude -179.488998413086

Pictures near Kaibu Island Airport, Fiji

Kaimbu Island - Photo from helicopter CJ Beach Yathata Village Airstrip - Kaimbu Island Yathata Island - Leeward side
Kaimbu Island Middle Island Kaimbu Lagoon Kaimbu Island Lava Yacata Lagoon - Middle Island in the distance
Yathata - Back Passage from Reef Edge Vatu Vara from South Kaimbu Reef Kaimbu Lodge Kaimbu pad South to Vatu Vara
Fresh water red shrimp cave Yathata Crater Middle Island Ski Beach - Yathata Island Lava Shrooms

Pictures of Kaibu Island Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Fiji, Suva