Distance from Port Stanley to Guatemala

Distance information from Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) to Guatemala

Geographical distance from Port Stanley to Guatemala

8025.26 kilometers
4983.53 seven miles
4333.15 nautical miles

Road distance from Port Stanley to Guatemala

Distance on the map From Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) to Guatemala

Closest distances from Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

City Distance
Santa Cruz 870.08 km
Puerto Natales 1008.88 km
El Calafate 1019.81 km
Rio Negro 1383.96 km
San Carlos de Bariloche 1558.73 km
Villa La Angostura 1609.5 km
Montevideo 1876.25 km
Buenos Aires 1900.81 km
Colonia del Sacramento 1917.41 km
Rosario 2098.63 km
Santa Fe 2244.2 km
Salto 2258.13 km
Mendoza 2273.3 km
Santiago 2278.35 km
Cordoba 2316.79 km
Esquina (Province of Corrientes) 2416.15 km
Porto Alegre 2471.82 km
Corrientes 2695.8 km
Santiago del Estero 2713.97 km
Iguazu Falls 2921.71 km
Asuncion 2936.42 km
Curitiba 3010.7 km
Sao Paulo 3273.69 km
Tarija 3408.99 km
Rio de Janeiro 3439.06 km
Potosi 3639.28 km
Sucre 3689.99 km
Ouro Preto 3698.7 km
Belo Horizonte 3746.8 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra 3801.25 km

Select city to calculate distance from Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

Check distances from Guatemala

City Distance
Quetzaltenango 110.56 km
San Salvador 176.26 km
Tapachula 188.84 km
Comitan de dominguez 248.05 km
Placencia 313.18 km
San Cristobal de las Casas 325.65 km
Belmopan 347.92 km
Tegucigalpa 363.18 km
Tuxtla Gutierrez 363.19 km
Villahermosa 453.13 km