Mersa Matruh Airport (MUH)

Information about airport - Mersa Matruh Airport, Egypt

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code HEMM
Longitude 31.3253993988
Latitude 27.2217006683

Pictures near Mersa Matruh Airport, Egypt

Queen Cleopatra monument White Beach Layla Morad Rock Landing in Marsa matruk Cleopatra Beach - Matruh - Egypt
ملاهى اندلسية المائية The Kurnaish(Coastal Road) in Marsa Matruh!! مرسى مطروح Marsa Matruk airport سوق ليبيا مرسى مطروح
مرسى مطروح Mersa Matruk مرسى مطروح Marsa Matruh Marsa Matruh bay مرسى مطروح
Asala houses مرسى مطروح مرسى مطروح مرسى مطروح

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Egypt, Cairo