Vlasin Glider Airport

Information about airport - Vlasin Glider Airport, Czech Republic

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LKVL
Longitude 49.7289009094238
Latitude 14.8788995742798

Cities near Vlasin Glider Airport, Czech Republic

City, country Distance (km)
Kutna Hora 37.02 km
Prague 51.71 km

Pictures near Vlasin Glider Airport, Czech Republic

Jemniště castle -  in the rain ( ovner Jiří Sternberg von Sternberg ) Hrad Český Šternberk Czech Sternberg, Czech Republic Kříž a pohled na Chotýšany Nemiz, just few km from D1 highway, early autumn morning...
Louňovice pod Blaníkem Central Bohemia tančící věž :D Fara ve Vlašimi Malý Blaník Kaple svaté Máří Magdaleny (1753)
Sbalené léto v pyramidě Tehov - kostelík Kondrac - věže kostela sv.Bartoloměje Highway D1, departure bikers , mainly from Germany, from Brno GP 2012-8-26 Cyklotrasa č.7073 pod dálnicí D1
Highlands Holy mountain of Blaník Hemry nad Sazavou Libouň

Pictures of Vlasin Glider Airport