Basongo Airport (BAN)

Information about airport - Basongo Airport, Congo, Republic of the

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code FZVR
Longitude -4.31699991226196
Latitude 20.4330005645752

Pictures near Basongo Airport, Congo, Republic of the

Zaire 060197 01 Trans African Highway - Idiofa to Ilebo, Crossing Lubudi River Zaire 060197 02 Trans African Highway - Idiofa to Ilebo Zaire 060197 03 Trans African Highway - Idiofa to Ilebo Pont sur la rivière LUBUDJI Terrasses derrière cathédrale
Palmiers de 3 ans . Plantation SOCFIN-BRABANTA à MAPANGU     

Pictures of Basongo Airport