Distance from Kinshasa to Bujumbura

Distance information from Kinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the to Bujumbura

Geographical distance from Kinshasa to Bujumbura

1565.05 kilometers
971.87 seven miles
845.03 nautical miles

Road distance from Kinshasa to Bujumbura

Distance on the map From Kinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the to Bujumbura

Closest distances from Kinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the

City Distance
Brazzaville 8.63 km
Luanda 548.25 km
Libreville 835.34 km
Yaounde 1004.51 km
Bangui 1034.24 km
Sao Tome 1086.01 km
Douala 1120.61 km
Malabo 1146.78 km
Bukavu 1519.08 km
Bujumbura 1565.05 km
Kigali 1663.33 km
Abuja 1722.87 km
Lagos 1783.26 km
N`Djamena 1829.45 km
Porto-Novo 1851.41 km
Uis 1879.19 km
Lusaka 1881.9 km
Livingstone 1893.26 km
Lome 1948.7 km
Kampala 1988.2 km
Windhoek 2036.23 km
Accra 2043.87 km
Kumasi (Ashanti Region) 2242.84 km
Harare 2277.75 km
Lilongwe 2292.95 km
Tamale 2351.91 km
Abidjan 2400.81 km
Nairobi 2414.21 km
Niamey 2461.93 km
Gaborone 2529.35 km

Select city to calculate distance from Kinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Check distances from Bujumbura

City Distance
Bukavu 111.74 km
Kigali 176.45 km
Kampala 543.68 km
Nairobi 859.97 km
Dar es Salaam 1163.2 km
Lilongwe 1275.47 km
Lusaka 1344.42 km
Bangui 1478.71 km
Kinshasa 1565.05 km
Brazzaville 1568.28 km