Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG)

Information about airport - Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ZSPD
Longitude 31.1434001922607
Latitude 121.805000305176

Cities near Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China

City, country Distance (km)
Shanghai 25 km

Pictures near Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China

Pudong Intl Airport, Shanghai, at 8:00AM / 浦东国际机场 浦東機場c——吉易 南匯区東海鎮の標準的な民家 Jan.2003 南匯汽車站 Nanhui bus station (Dec.2002) MAGLEV
上海磁懸浮_431KM Pudong International Airport PVG Airport Shanghai 浦东国际机场候机厅全景 Pudong international airport waiting hall the Sanjiagang sea bank near Pudong Intl Airport
final Pudong Airport 海天三路站 2号线站台 Line 2 Platform of Haitiansan Station, Shanghai Metro Pudong Int'l Airport - the control tower and terminals 远东大道站 2号线站台 Line 2 Platform of Yuandong Avenue Station, Shanghai Metro Shanghai
三甲港海滨浴场-向北 Sanjiagang at the mouth of Yangtze River into East Sea Pudong Int'l Airport - T2 and a little bit part of T1 凌空路站 2号线站台屏幕门 Platform screen doors at Line 2 Platform of Lingkong Road Station 庆利路凌白公路-向西

Pictures of Shanghai Pudong International Airport
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China, Beijing