Hotan Airport (HTN)

Information about airport - Hotan Airport, China

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ZWTN
Longitude 37.038501739502
Latitude 79.8648986816406

Pictures near Hotan Airport, China

China - Xinjiang - Hotan - Covered Farm Roads Moschee von Khotan 新疆和田 玉龙河 Xiqua (watermelon) patch
haggling over jade cobbles Khotan City Yurungqash deryasi suyi يۇرۇڭقاش دەريا سۈيى Hotan, Yurungqash kowriki يۇرۇڭقاش كۆۋرىكى 玛利克瓦提(汉于闐国)废墟 Malikwat Ruins
老核桃树,1362岁(Old walnut tree, 1362 years old) 老核桃树,树龄500年以上(Old walnut tree, more than 500 years old) 和田玉山 和田昆仑湖公园-从西向东拍摄(Hotan KunLun Lake Park--From West to East)
Hetian Bazaar(和田,Xinjiang) 新疆和田古核桃园 中国新疆胡杨林3 和田维吾尔医专 总闸的玉器城

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China, Beijing