Beijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY)

Information about airport - Beijing Nanyuan Airport, China

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ZBNY
Longitude 39.7827987670898
Latitude 116.388000488281

Cities near Beijing Nanyuan Airport, China

City, country Distance (km)
Beijing 14.05 km

Pictures near Beijing Nanyuan Airport, China

Temple of Heaven 4 陶然亭公园 Full architecture on the island @ Beijing South Railway Station 永定門 Yongdingmen 영정문
Mosque of Xihongmen [西红门清真寺], Xihongmen Town, Daxing District, Beijing (Qing Dynasty, 1901) CRH2A型动车组(CRH2A EMU) 北京角门北路3号院4号楼 龙爪树宾馆 South gate in winter
丰台的城市雕塑 黄村站(Huangcun Railway Station) 南四环--公益西桥(Gongyi West Crossroads) 光彩路(Guang Cai Rd.) 南苑机场--小径(An avenue in Nanyuan Airport)
Panjiayuan Sunday Market 南四环--榴乡桥(Liuxiang Crossroads) Hutong close to Hongqiao Market 南四环--大红门东桥(Dahongmen East Crossroads) The Main Hall in the Nunnery of Goddess [天仙庵正殿], Baizhifang East Street, Xuanwu District, Beijing (Qing Dynasty, 1636~1911)

Pictures of Beijing Nanyuan Airport
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China, Beijing