Stung Treng Airport (TNX)

Information about airport - Stung Treng Airport, Cambodia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VDST
Longitude 13.5319004058838
Latitude 106.014999389648

Pictures near Stung Treng Airport, Cambodia

Sesan Bridge, Stungtreng province, Cambodia Стынгтренг, Камбоджа, март 2012 / Stung Treng, Cambodia, march 2012 Камбоджа, март 2012 / Cambodia, march 2012 Bridge Stung Treng Stung Treng
Sesan Bridge morning New Bridge by Stung Treng Pagode Bouddhiste avec les cerfs géants Mekong meets Sekong @ Stung Treng angkor temple near Stung Treng
Toward the Laos-Cambodia border in Stung Treng Ville Wat Stung Trend@VAN Sun set Road in Thala Barivat ,Stung Treng
New Road to Thala Barivat,Stung Treng Area in Thala Barivat,Stung Treng Route Stung Stend@VAN

Pictures of Stung Treng Airport
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Cambodia, Phnom Penh