Gorom-Gorom Airport (XGG)

Information about airport - Gorom-Gorom Airport, Burkina Faso

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code DFEG
Longitude 14.4499998092651
Latitude -0.232999995350838

Pictures near Gorom-Gorom Airport, Burkina Faso

Plane at Gorom-Gorom Airfield Habitat Peul vers Gorom Cases Peul, Gorom Gorom Gorom Gorom Aube sur les dunes Sahel desert - Gorom Gorom, Burkina Faso
Mehari entravé culture de mil - saison des pluies Gagara
Water crossing, Saouga Dune de sable, Gorom-Gorom Femmes travaillant au jardin  vers Gorom Gorom Gorom Gorom Payotte Femmes allant au marché
Campement peulh My home in Gorom-Gorom Market - Gorom Gorom, Burkina Faso Cattle market - Gorom Gorom, Burkina Faso Salt on the market of Gorom-Gorom, Burkina Faso

Pictures of Gorom-Gorom Airport