Stryama Airport

Information about airport - Stryama Airport, Bulgaria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code LB30
GPS airport code LB30
Longitude 42.2853012084961
Latitude 24.8684997558594

Cities near Stryama Airport, Bulgaria

City, country Distance (km)
Plovdiv 18.57 km

Pictures near Stryama Airport, Bulgaria

Catholic church, Rakovski hippomobile church in Sekirovo district, Rakovski At the road Voyvodinovo village
Blackberries / Къпини Clouds, clouds, clouds - when the storm starts Край Пловдив Bulgaria - Chernozemen - Черноземен (Чернозем) - Репица
Bulgaria - Chernozemen - Черноземен (Чернозем) Chmury
Лифто Бизнес Център

Pictures of Stryama Airport
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