Limpopo Valley Airport (TLD)

Information about airport - Limpopo Valley Airport, Botswana

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code FBTL
Longitude -22.1891994476318
Latitude 29.1268997192383

Pictures near Limpopo Valley Airport, Botswana

Wild Dogs Mashatu Tuli Tuli Landscape Tuli Game Reserve Tuli Game Reserve cable car at Pont Drift to cross the Limpopo
Woodlands Kingfisher Ñues Azules en Botswana Mashatu Kudu Pete's Pond (Botswana) Vortesvin ner Mahshatu
Majali River Scene Sumpområde Mashatu Hole in the rock Elefanter ved Mahshatu One mighty Baobab tree
Mazhou Camp Site_Mapungubwe NP Leopard sleeping up in the tree (@ Mashatu Game Reserve) Witgat Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana MTB Botswana

Pictures of Limpopo Valley Airport
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Botswana, Gaborone