Melinda Airport (MDB)

Information about airport - Melinda Airport, Belize

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 17.0042991638
Latitude -88.3041992188

Cities near Melinda Airport, Belize

City, country Distance (km)
Placencia 54.45 km
Belmopan 56.6 km

Pictures near Melinda Airport, Belize

rapid on mullins river Is this a road? Yep. Belize's Coastal Highway. Antelope Falls (Mayflower) Farm Track Citrus Company of Belize
Antelope Waterfalls Sardine Swim at Bocawina Howler Monkey Room at Mamanoots Eco Resort Jungle Resort/ Stann Creek, Belize Jungle Restaurant/ Stann Creek, Belize

Pictures of Melinda Airport
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Belize, Belmopan