Sterpenich Airport (QON)

Information about airport - Sterpenich Airport, Belgium

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EBAR
Longitude 49.6627998352
Latitude 5.88694000244

Cities near Sterpenich Airport, Belgium

City, country Distance (km)
Luxembourg 18.57 km
Malmedy 85.47 km

Pictures near Sterpenich Airport, Belgium

Luxembourg { Panorama } E25 Belgium - Border Luxembourg - 2003 Château de Septfontaines Un arbre frappe a la porte, Aubange
Holzem , Mamer, Luxembourg , Λουξεμβούργο Chateau D'eau de Goeblange, Luxembourg Dalhem richtung Schouweiler , Dippach, Luxembourg , Λουξεμβούργο Réaction d'oxydo-réduction, Dippach Arlon (Belgique)
Arlon doorgangscamping Aerial Photo, IKEA near Arlon, Belgium Tilleul de Clémency (Keinzeig) / old Lime tree of Clémency (Keinzeig - Luxembourg) DETAILS: SEE COMMENTS Chapelle Sainte Croix, Hondelange, Messancy Château Koerich
Bascharage, Luxembourg , Λουξεμβούργο CFL 4018 05:45 Sunrising - early morning's mist ( in the car , driving to work ) luxemburg Steinfort, Luxembourg

Pictures of Sterpenich Airport
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Belgium, Brussels