Mayerhofen Airport

Information about airport - Mayerhofen Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOKM
Longitude 46.9757995605469
Latitude 14.3717002868652

Cities near Mayerhofen Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Klagenfurt 39.66 km
Bled 70.44 km
Graz 81.55 km

Pictures near Mayerhofen Airport, Austria

blick von  Grebenzen Sankt Lambrecht Fénypászmák In the forest Burg Neumarkt
St. Lambrecht Monastery from cable lift Herbstnebel Foggy and forest Wasserfall in der Gragger Schlucht Near Grades_Metnitztal
ogródek Church of Lieding Blick vom Grebenzen St. Georgen
Berghof Leimersberg 5 grebenzen, landschaft Alpok Lieding - Wayside Shrine Bei Perkowa

Pictures of Mayerhofen Airport
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Austria, Vienna