Shindand Airport (OAH)

Information about airport - Shindand Airport, Afghanistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code OASD
Longitude 33.3913002014
Latitude 62.2610015869

Pictures near Shindand Airport, Afghanistan

Контрольно-пропускной пункт ограниченного контингента советских войск By M.A Boneyard from another war духовоз Afghan home - top view.
view southwest from Shindand Rotary Wing Apron дорога Yüksel İnşaat  Shindand Bölgesi Dış Kamp
Road of the Base MiG-23MLD with missiles air-air. Shindand Airfield from Control Tower Shindand - Tower 002 Shindand - Entry Point
духовоз Soviet Marker 1988___

Pictures of Shindand Airport
Book hotel

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Afghanistan, Kabul